Píldoras de Hollywood 3



  the “Secrets and lies of Hollywood” book quotes


It is evident that Lucas borrowed elements and arguments from two sagas: “The Lord of the Rings” and “Dune”. Let’s see the evidence with “The Lord of the Rings”:


The golden robot C3PO is a DGI mirror to its physical aspect of the female robot María that appeared in Metropolis.


R2D2 was baptized when, during the editing of American Graffiti (directed by Lucas), a classmate asked for Roll 2, Dialogue 2 (r2d2). As for its appearance is a carbon copy of the small robots of Silent Running (Mysterious Ships).


Obi Wan Kenobi, the old Jedi master who guides Luke, resembles in aspect and purpose the wizard Gandalf of Tolkien, who guides the young aspiring hero, the hobbit Frodo Bolsón.


The encounter of the young Luke with the smuggler Han Solo is a “galactic” version of the encounter of Frodo and his three friends with Trancos / Aragorn in the Prancing Pony inn.


The heroes of “The Lord of the Rings” go to the Mines of Moria, a labyrinth of caves, being chased by the Orcs. The heroes of “Star Wars” go to the Death Star, a futuristic and technological vision of the caves described by Tolkien with tunnels, bridges, passageways, abysses, gigantic rooms where the ships arrive. … where they are pursued by the Imperial Star Troopers, whose members are as difficult to differentiate from each other as the Orcs.


Ben Kenobi disappears, apparently killed by Darth Vader. Gandalf disappears and apparently dies in the Mines of Moria by Balrog. Subsequently, Ben Kenobi reappears in the form of luminous spirit or energy, as if he had ascended a degree in his evolution. Gandalf reappears from being the Gray to Gandalf the White with all the powers of the order of the magicians of Middle Earth (an evolution …).


Darth Vader wears a cape and dresses in black obeying the orders of his superior boss, the Emperor, who does not appear as a character until the second installment (in holography) and does not enter the plot until the third film. The Nazgul, hooded and black as Vader, obey the orders of their superior Sauron to find in a unique ring that the heroes carry.



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